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Optimizing Shared Hosting Performance_ Tips and Tricks

Optimizing Shared Hosting Performance: Tips and Tricks

Optimizing your website’s performance is very important when you are using Shared Hosting. Shared hosting enables you to start your online business in the most cost-effective manner. Using suitable strategies, you can boost your shared hosting performance. In this blog, we will walk you through a few of the most impactful techniques to boost your shared hosting performance.

What is Shared Hosting?

Before we start looking into optimization strategies, it is important to have a clear understanding of shared hosting. In shared hosting, several websites use the same server resources. Since shared hosting is a cost-effective web hosting solution, it can give rise to performance issues if not monitored and controlled appropriately.

Tips for Optimizing Shared Hosting

1. Choose an ideal web hosting plan

While you aim to buy web hosting, signing up for an ideal web hosting plan is important. MilesWeb provides a wide spectrum of shared hosting plans customized to every distinct business need. Estimate your website traffic and pick the right plan. If there is a scope for traffic growth, go for a plan that provides quick upgrades.

2. Experience the potential of cPanel

cPanel web hosting presents countless features to manage your website operations, data, and security. Moreover, cPanel web hosting provides distinct categories to monitor and streamline your database, domain, email, and backup management for improved performance.

3. Optimize your content

We recommend you go through these steps for optimizing your website’s content.

  • Image optimization

A large size image can lead to increased loading time of your website loading time. TinyPNG and ImageOptim tools help you to compress image size without disturbing the quality.

  • Minimize CSS and JavaScript

Minification of JavaScript and CSS by removing unwanted CSS and Javascripts can lead to a faster loading time of your website. You can take help of tools like Minify and UglifyJS tools to achieve better results.

4. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDN reduces the gap between customers and the origin server for a faster data retrieval. CDN not only boosts your website speed but also decreases resource utilization of your website.

5. Advanced Caching

Frequently implementing and updating caching is one of the most effective ways to upgrade your website performance. Tools like W3 Total Cache or WP Support Cache can also help you in achieving unmatched performance.

6. Database Optimization

Database optimization is very important in optimizing your shared hosting performance. With tools like phpMyAdmin you can seamlessly manage, clean and optimize your unwanted data, spam comments, and database tables.

 7. Regulate plugins and scripts

Plugins can boost your website performance, although poor management of plugins and scripts can badly affect your website loading speed. It is recommended to do a periodic review of your deployed plugins. Moreover, you can stay away from using resource-intensive, heavy scripts which can potentially consume extreme resources. If you’re using cPanel web hosting, managing and monitoring plugins becomes effortless, since cPanel offers in-depth resource allocation reports.

8. Effective Performance Monitoring

Routinely keeping an eye on a website’s performance allows you to regularly monitor your website’s performance and can assist you in detecting issues before they cause any potential issues.

Powerful tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix offer SEO-friendly suggestions to upgrade the performance of your website.

9. Update PHP Versions and Software

Routinely updating your websites CMS, PHP versions and installed plugins to apply performance and security patches and contribute to fast and secure experience for your website.

10. Optimize Your Code

Optimizing code and employing the latest web technologies is one of the simplest ways to enhance your website performance. If HTML, CSS, JavaScripts are optimized properly, it can lead to an enhanced performance of your website.

11. Choose a reliable hosting provider

Selecting an ideal web hosting provider can be a tough task these days, due to availability of too many hosting providers. The performance of your website is directly related to the web hosting provider you choose. MilesWeb is popular for offering a complete blend of economical and cost-optimized shared hosting solutions.


Shared hosting optimization is a very crucial factor in providing a flawless user experience. By using the optimization tips given in this article, it becomes easy to optimize the shared hosting performance in this competitive environment.

So invest in a reliable shared hosting provider today and make sure that your website runs as efficiently as possible!

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