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  • #8114

    Hello ,

    I have purchased the theme and it`s imposible to install because at least 2 plugins are not installing at all

    An error of type E_PARSE was caused in line 399 of the file /home/izabela/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alpus-core/inc/admin/admin/class-alpha-core-admin.php. Error message: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’

    and Kirki plugin …

    How do we fix this ?


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    Aizaz Awan

    Hello, @calinpredu,

    Sorry for the inconvenience but your provided WP Admin Login details are not correct/working, please share the correct/working Login details under the private area of the topic, please check the screenshot under the private area.

    And also if possible please share your site Cpanel Login URL and Credentials as well under the private area of this topic, so that I will further look into it for you on your site to help you out.

    Best Regards.

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