How to update alpus theme?

There are 2 ways to update Alpus. The first method is Alpus’s  one click update and the 2nd method is Manual updates.

Note: Before Update
After updating the theme, all of your contents such as pages, options, images and posts will never be lost or erased by doing this.
However, any customization to the theme’s core files and language files will be lost. So you need child theme to customize the theme and backup the language file if you have translated theme.

Method 1 : Update using one Click Update feature

We introduced a method to update theme whenever we release new version of theme. Using this feature, you can update Alpus theme whenever new version is released so easily.

– Under Appearance > Themes

Method 2 : Manual Update

In order to update theme manually, you need to download theme files. If you are not sure how to download theme files, please read our article here.
Once you download the new version of theme, you can choose either a way using FTP and a way using WordPress.

1) Update using FTP
  1. Go to wp-content > themes and backup your alpus theme folder. After backing up, simply delete it.
  2. Unzip from the package you downloaded, and get alpus theme folder.
  3. Drag and drop the new alpus theme folder into wp-content > themes location.
  4. Don’t forget to update included plugins.
  5. Navigate Appearance > Themes on WordPress admin and click again Save Changes button.
  6. Finally, if you have translated theme, don’t forget to get lang folder from backed up and place it on the same directory as an old lang folder. If not, you will not have translated theme.
2) Update using WordPress Admin
  1. Please deactivate the current Alpus theme in Appearance > Themes.
  2. After deactivate the current Alpus theme, simply delete the Alpus theme. Your content will be lost. joking! It will never be lost.
  3. Get file from the package you download and simply upload it. To do it, navigate to Appearance > Themes and click Install Themes and upload zip file on it.
  4. After upload it, in Appearance > Themes, activate Alpus theme.
  5. Don’t forget upload plugins, too. For more details, please read our article to update plugins here.
  6. Please go to Appearance > Theme Options in admin area and click Save Changes again.